Tomasz Ducin

Tomasz Ducin

Developer, Architect, Trainer, Speaker. JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular and so much more 🥲

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WTF is Tanstack Router

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Advanced Type Checks with Zod

course by Tomasz Ducin

Return a subset of properties of a MongoDB Document (projections, $slice)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Count documents satisfying a query in MongoDB Collection (countDocuments, $regex, $in)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Find Document by id in MongoDB Collections

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Filtering Documents using Expressions in MongoDB Collections ($expr, $size, $in, $and, etc)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Combine Filtering Documents in MongoDB Collections ($and, $or, $in, $eq, etc)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Filtering Documents in MongoDB Collections (find, findOne)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Inserting Documents into MongoDB Collections (insertOne, insertMany)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Create or Remove MongoDB Collection

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Access Mongo databases from MongoDB Compass

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Install Docker to run local MongoDB Container

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Use Zod Schemas partially using shape and unwrap

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Validate maps and sets using Zod schemas

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Create Custom Zod Schemas and Validate project-specific data

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Declare Precise Array Types within Zod Schemas

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Define Unions and Intersections with Zod

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Make Excessive Object Properties Fail on Zod Validation

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Declare Lack of Value in zod (optional, nullable and nullish)

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Work with Zod Literals and Enums Effectively

lesson by Tomasz Ducin

Apply Schema Custom Refinement with Zod

lesson by Tomasz Ducin